Lineage 2 Top 100

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L2 PvP [X]
Lineage 2 Gracia server, Best pvp without donations, no donations, join now
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~~ Lineage 2 HERO / 200% PvP ~~
Hellbound Serverver - ct1.5: Exp rate: 99999999x | Adena Rate: 99999999x | Drop Rate: 50000x |Gm SHop - GK Global - NPC Buffer - AIO| Join Todai NOW.!
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Lineage ][ Extreme
New Server Interlude EPic Weapon * Armor Dynasty Weapon * Armor Epic Dark Knight Armor Rates: XP 35x / SP 35x / Adena 150x / Spoil 15x / Drops 5x. Join US Today ...
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Lineage ][ Reborn
BRAND NEW 55x/60x/6x/300x Hellbound Server! Fully Working | everyone is Welcome | TvT | Dual Box Allowed | GMShop | NPCBuffer | Custom Farming Areas | Dynasty & Icarus Working | First 3 Clans get Auto-Lvl 3 and given a Clan hall! RPG Based.
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Welcome to L2 Zender Server Rate : Server Normal Rates Rate control, Global float values RateXp = 2000. RateSp = 2000. RatePartyXp = 100. RatePartySp = 1. RateDropAdena = 2000. RateDropItems = 1. RateDropSpoil = 1. join us custom arm
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306 Lineage II Legacy
Fully Working Interlude Features|Craft Based Server|Rates:20/50/50|RB:Frintezza,Ice Fairy Queen|Stable,Balanced|Auto Learn Skills|NPC-Buffer|Retail Events|NOT L2J
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307 Lineage 2 Cheats, Exploits, Bots, Hacks
Great place for Lineage 2 cheats such as exploits, bots, hacks, and free guides! Unique site and content.
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308 l2khalia c4 Sub Acumulativa
Server C4 L2 Khalia/50x/50x/500x/Gmshop/NpcBuffer/100mbit/No Donators/L2off/Gmonline/Subclass Acumulativa(no multiskills)/Base+3 Subclasees/ 3Class in 1 Player/ Gkglobal/
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309 L2ELite GRACIA
L2 CT2 Gracia | 35x & 200x rate Servers !!!Daily TvT, CTF, Fortress Events, NEW Gracia Items / skills / Locations and adds !! Luxury Teleports, GM Shop, Server uptime 2 years !!! Join us now and see more
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310 Line)(age Delta
Full Interlude | Many players | Dynasty Armor | PvP | Oly system works 100% | Duel system works 100% | Custom Tatto's | Wings | NO-LAG! ! ! | JOin for more! |
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311 L2 Slayer
# xp: 7x # sp: 7x # adena: 10x # drop: 7x # spoil: 10x servidor dedicado na locaweb celeron 2.5 ghz 4gb memória 10 mbps (será trocado conforme necessidade) 800+ players online Sem Donate
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312 Reign Of Chaos
Lineage 2 CT1.5 Hellbound, rates x15 xp, x20 drop, x40 adena, Acumulative Subclass, GMShop, Global GK, TVT, Hellbund zones, Safe Enchant +8, Max +20
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313 Archon PVP Server
* Interlude skills 100% * Fly teleport * 3 Amazing Event Engines * Interlude GMShop * NPC Buffer with Save Buffs / Restore Buffs * Change Password in Game * Server vs Server Event * Same chat window with our 2nd server * 24/7 Uptime * No Don
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314 x300x200x2000 C4 Server
x300x200x2000 C4 Server
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315 PvP Server Gracia Final x1000
Gracia Final Rates 1000x/EXP 1000x/SP 1000x/Adena No custom shop, Npc Buffer,TvT,SubClasses,Squash Event, Hero System,1hour buffs, No lag...
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nolag 18h buff/ lwl zona pwp zona rb zona fa zona and good sever nice armor
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317 L2Catalyst
An awsome new Gracia PvP server! Friendly and helpful GM Staff! Daily Events! Come check us out!
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318 L2 Comics Interlude
All 55x rate, Npc buffer ,Global Gk ,All shots,Weapons and armors to B grade, working tattos and more
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319 L2Avatars
xp: 300// sp: 500 // drop:100 // rbdrop:50 // spoil 100 // party exp X 2 //CustomGK / Buffer / gmshop
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320 Power Interlude - Real PvP Server
x300 Server Real PvP Server ! Balanced classes, all desinged to feel a real pvp taste No customs, buffs from scrolls ! Join now - ~250on !
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321 - Kamael
Welcome to MMOPRG. Join and see :)
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322 L2WarMasters HellBound 100%
Server 100% brasileiro, Xp 8X, Sp 10X, Adena 15X, Drop 5X, Safe Enchant +4, Enchant Limite +15, Buffs AIO, GM's Sempre ON!
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323 L2-SwoosH
Interlude serve. Custom zones, weapons, armors. Rates: 1000x, 1000x, 2000x, 10x.
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324 Pandora-Voyage
Lineage ][ Server X100 /Conection 400mbit/Auto System Restart-Olumpiad Join!!!!!!!
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325 [ L2 Relive ] - PvP / PK
Deutscher PvP-PK Server Rate 2000x / GM SHOP / GateKeeper / NPC Buffer / Event Medals / Safe +5 / Max +35 /Enchant 80% / Hero System / 10 Subclass / 3H Bufftime /Goldbar System /TvT alle 30 min /Costum Kopf Schmuck ... und vieles mehr.
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326 L][Real
HellBound GvE x250 ~ Auto Create Accounts ~ - Full support Lineage CT1.5 client - New CT1.5 maps/mobs/items/quest... -Support Siege castle - Support strider/wyvern - Support seven signs - TvT - And more...
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327 L2 Mohaule Hell Bound Gracia Server
Hellbound Gracia |Bartz [5000x]|.No Lag, Dynasty & Icarus, TVT, Weddings, Custom Events, NPC Buffer, GMShop, Custom NPCs, and Custom Hunting Zones,Divine Transforms.> ACUMULATIVE SUB CLASS < L2 Mohaule Where its sleeplessness has company.
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328 Interlude
Exp 1000x SP 1000x Drop 30x Spoil 50x Adena 1000x Gm shop
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329 L2-Omega
Server Lineage II Hellbound (500x)
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330 Lineage II:RealLife
Lineage II:RealLife server webpage.
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331 L2-InfernaL
NEW Lineage2 Hellbound Server
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Rates: XP200x,SP200x,ADENA300x ENCHANTS: Safe +7,Max +25 Full GmShop Full Teleporter Full Buffer 2hours Custom Shop {Epic,Mordor,Ice,Purple,Dynasty,Gold,Titanium and much more!!!} TVT Event CTF Event VIP Event RAID Event JOIN NOW!!!
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333 L2-DarkSide private PvP server
L2 interlde Pvp server buffer gm shops and more fun ours rates x1000 x1000 x1000 x1 vote 4Ous and join us
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334 L2 Forgotten Hellbound
RateXp = 30. RateSp = 40. RateDropAdena = 90. RateDropItems = 30. RateDropSpoil = 20. -c,b grade shops -crystal converter -auto skill learn -auto loot -recipe shop -material shop -level changer npc -class changer and lots more...
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335 L2Connect [75x]
Brand new x75 rates CT2 - Gracia server. Stabile host! No overpwn skills! GM Shop till B grade and NPC buffer with all basic buffs with extended time!
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336 L2 Universal PVP Server
Full Interlude/ Itens Kamael Full/ Itens Epic/ Itens TT/ Full Gm Shop/ Full Npc/ Buffer Full/ Rates 500x 500x 1000x.
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337 L2Hypnosis
New Interlude High Rate Server Join Us!! Friendly And Active GMs..!Baium Event, "Hide And Seek" Event, Strider Race Event!! Server Info: x1500exp, x1500sp, x5000adena, 9hours buffs/dances/songs. About Enchant: Safe is 15 and max is 50.
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They enter our new server L2 BurningUP for but information enters to the Web
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339 L2 Dragonia
Info Server RATES: [x40 Exp] [x40 Sp] [x60 Adena] [x15 Drop] 24 Horas Online, 100% Hispano, NO Lag, Good Admins, Eventos Especiales,... Npcs: GmShop, Gk Global, Buffer, Gato de Class... Buff: 1 Hora
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340 Evil Knights ! New !
New Lineage 2 Interlude server ! Visit our web for more info :
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341 L2 Ninja
New Gracia server. Rates: 80x exp, 80x sp & 300x adena. Custom shops, NPC buffers with 2h buffs, manual hero tournament, active admins/gms, custom armors/weapons, custom raid drops, TvT and alot more. Check us out!
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342 Lineage 2 Interlude Revolution
Interlude PVP server 1000x
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x1000 interlude pvp server. no lag . 100% uptime .
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344 L2 PKdores
O Melhor !!!!
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345 L2 PKdores
o Melhor
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346 Lineage II: Gracia 2 ~ Final [Really Balanced PvP System]
Lineage 2 Chaotic Throne Gracia Part 2, 1200x and x300 PVP Greece Servers, World Gatekeeper, Profession changer up to 3rd class, Subclass without quest ! Noblesse manager in any town, Safe enchant up to +8, GM shops, Epic items, and MORE !
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347 Lineage2 Database
Lineage2 database (LT)
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348 Lineage II Kaisers HellBound
[SERVER] Lineage II - HellBound! RATES: RateXp = 200x RateSp = 200x RateDropAdena = 100x RateDropItems = 5x HellBound server: - NPC's Buff's - Gm Shop - GK Global - System Vip - Color system in PVP - Buff's (3h) more...
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349 Dark][Ether
Rate: XP: 2500, SP: 2500, Adena: 5000, Drop: 5, Spoil: 5, Manor: 5. Full Interlude L2J Server. No Custom Items, No Lags. Geodata And More ...
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350 Darkages Interlude Gaming Project
exp x35. sp x35. adena x80. drop x35. spoil x35 we have Custom Shop B GRADE . Custom Mammon . Cursed & Shadow Weapons, Augmentation, Added new territories and new mobs, there are Interlude Drops & Spoils, Armor set +6 Skills & max 24 Buffs,
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