Armed Assault Top 100

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Russian Fan-site Armed Assault and ARMA II , Operation Flashpoint: MPmissions, Coop, News...
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Team Heavy Strike
Wir spielen ArmA: CO und sind das Team Heavy Strike und haben viel spass am ArmA 2 Daddeln, wir suchen noch gleigesinnte also wenn ihr lust habt schaut vorbei.
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Server provider for:
Armed Assault and Operation Flashpoint: Resistance

We also provide Teamspeak servers at rock bottom prices
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4 is a German Fan Site of Armed Assault. But we doesent only play Armed Assault or Operation Flashpoint. We all play other Coop games. So take a look on our Site.

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Multigaming Clan Since 2004 // IRC: #thc-berlin @ Quakenet
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Armed Assault Mission Editing Zone. Tools, missions, campaigns, manuals on their creation.
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7 [eXa] eXtreme Aggressive eSports Clan
Willkommen beim
[eXa] eSports Clan
Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft aus Zockern die teamorientierte Games spielen.
Zur Zeit sind das:

* Armed Assault
* Battelfield 2142

Wir suchen Leute die Spa am Spiel haben und gewillt sind den
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The aim of the Special Air Service Module (SASMOD) is to create realistic and authentic UK Special Forces units for Armed Assault. As well as the units, we will also provide the weapons, vehicles and equipment to accompany them.

Some units you
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9 Armed Assault En Espaol
Fan Site para la comunidad hispana de Armed Assault, sitio del clan red army veterans y desarrollo del mod Operation Firestorm para Armed Assault.
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10 Die Durstigen Sldner
Wir sind ein lustiger Haufen die gerne mal zum ArmA zocken ein Bierchen trinken. Wir suchen aber auch noch weiterhin lustige Kameraden die unser Team verstrken, also schaut bei uns vorbei !!!!
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11 Assault Mission Studio
Assault Mission Studio: We are a german site who create and present our own projects, like Missions, Campaigns and Addons for Armed Assault. AMS-Gameserver for MP-evenings is coming soon. Visit us...thanks!
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12 Next Generation Games - ArmA & Game2 Com
Armed Assault, Game2, OFP2, VBS2, Stalker, OFP Addons, all ArmA Addons and full more!
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13 Hellenic ArmA Community
An Armed Assault game and modding community only for players from Greece.
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14 Armed Assault Ukraine
Ukrainian Armed Assault Fansite
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15 International Conflict
Welcome to International Conflict, the largest Armed Assault Tournament. IC brings players and clans together in extensive organized battles. Two armies each week battle it out in massive game play never seen before. We are dedicated on creating the
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16 KsP ein Armed Assault Clan
Ein Armed Assault Clan
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17 Armed Assault Database
Armadb is a website where you can get the latest news, mods, addons and much much more.
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18 Belgian Elite Force clanpage
Belgian Elite Force is one of the oldest operation flashpoint clans on the european mainland. It was founded in august of the year 2001 when operation flashpoint was released. After an active career (4 years) in the European Combat League we decided
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Armed Assault Clan - Since 2004 - IRC: #thc-berlin @ Qnet
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20 Legion X || Legio Patria Nostra
Multigaming Clan since 2002 || Wir suchen immer aktive Member
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21 exclusive Gaming
Gaming clan since 2006
CL ReFLeX.Gamer
icq 247755775
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22 101st Airborne-Division
Wir sind ein recht junger Arma-Clan!
Wir suchen noch aktive Member!!
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23 NLNF, OFP - ArmA - BF2 News & Lan Team
Bei uns findet Ihr die aktuellsten News zu OFP 2- ArmA 2 - BF2. Falls Ihr Interesse habt, dann könnt Ihr uns ja auch auf Lan Partys begleiten. Ob Privat oder Big Event
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24 Team Crazy Bastards
+++ArmA and ArmA II Team+++Suchen Member ab 20+,Gameserver und TS vorhanden. Besucht uns oder Zoggt bei uns ne Runde mit+++
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tutoriale cs 16 plugins amx dravere cs 16 si altele
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26 ArmA2 :: Armed Assault 2:: ArmA Game Community
ArmA Community die euch mit den wichtigsten News versorgt. Armed Assault 2, Downloads, Pics, Videos, Fun, Mods, Patches... ArmA2
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27 drakula-idle-ro Forumul Serverului Gasitit Orice Pe EL
Downloand Orice Gasiti ce Vreti ;)
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28 Capital Punishment
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29 team mercenarie cavite
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30 The Virtual Navy
We are a Navy/Marine Corps gaming group that strives on 100% realism. We operate 7 fleets encompassing 9 time zones. Our Marine Corps is top notch... come check us out!
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31 German Bloodthirsty Eagles
Former OFP, Arma and now Arma 2 clan from Germany with over 7 years of history. Gameserver and TS available. We mainly play COOP and Realwar-Leagues. We are searching Members 18+. Take a look!
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32 Steelcore
This is a FPS (PC) clan from South Africa (ARMA) & (GRAW2). We like it tactical and real as possible.
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33 Fighters of Steel
Das bieten wir euch: - eine Homepage mit allen wichtigen Funktionen (Gästebuch, Forum, News, Eigenes Benutzerprofil) - einen Teamspeakserver - eine nette Gemeinschaft
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34 Silent Warriors
Started in January 2009, we have already shot to the top with the No.1 UK ArmA server. We run 3 ArmA servers with Evolution and Domination, with the addtion of a members only server. We have a great international community
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35 Dark Avengers
we are a arma coop clan we run our servers for free so our members dont have to pay to play
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36 Outwar
Rates are all x150 :: 1gbit uplink :: Latest Hardware :: Lag-free :: Constant Uptime :: Receive free gift upon joining
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37 Clan Québecois ArmA 2
Jeux officiel ArmA 2, c'est un Clan totalement gratuit! L'esprit de communaute est le but 1er, ou
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38 Double D Company Home of the BigG-uns
Mature Arma2 Clan Site - Server playing - CRCTI Warfare, Domination, Longest Day, Air Cav. We teach the above game modes on Thursday =====We are recruiting always!===== -= Regulated Server - Adults Only Please
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39 Bavarian Nato Squad
Hallo, du wirst sicherlich schon bemerkt haben... ...das es unseren Clan noch nicht lange gibt, und wir können auch nicht mit einer glanzvollen Vergangenheit aufwarten, aber genau darin liegt ja auch die Herausvorderung etwas neues aufzubauen und
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40 ArmA Game Server Rentals
The preferred ArmA server hosting and Dedicated Game Server Rental Provider in North America since 2002 with service to millions of gamers daily featuring pure InterNap bandwidth for the lowest ping possible
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41 ProjectLSAS
Posts: 1 Project LSAS Land, Sea, Air, STEALTH! We are a NEW Clan in the Formation stage! A Community type based clan, WE WANT YOU, no matter what you're skill level or participation level may be. Our OBJECTIVE IS: To have a schedule or map r
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super counter-strike
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