Call Of Duty Top 100
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The Star Wars Modding Team The Star Wars Modding Team Are Modding For Coduo To Get A Great Star Wars Mod | In:1 | Out:568 |
[WS] Wicked Sick We are a playstation 3 clan. We play ,Black Ops ,Black Ops 2 ,Modern Warfare 3. We are NOW RECRUTING | In:1 | Out:569 |
Империя Call of Duty: проект портала Империя Игр Сайт посвящен игре в жанре \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" шутер от первого лица \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Call of Duty ,а конкретнее Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare , Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , Call of Duty: World at War . | In:1 | Out:553 |
{AOW} All Out War Established in 2005, {AOW} All Out War is a USA based clan with International members. We have built the clan on pride, respect, honesty and a cheat free environment that has been quite successful. We have voice, COD4 and BC2 gaming servers. We also | In:1 | Out:524 |
|oYK| - Gaming Clan Community |oYK| tag represents a Call of Duty 4 PC Gaming Clan currently based on ProMod and Normal at 1.0 and 1.7 patches. We have squads based on LoL and WoW WoTLK. Active TS3 Server and forums. For applys and more info visit us @ | In:1 | Out:479 |
Silent Special Forces We are a multi gaming clan that plays BHD and COD4 and looking to spread to more games | In:1 | Out:604 |
United -n- Victorious Gaming UnV is a xbox 360 and xbox one gaming community. That plays multiple online games. Recruits must be 16 yrs + of age.We have leadership positions for the right people. But must be active on site. | In:1 | Out:554 |
Xtreme Chaos Gaming Community We are a small Gaming Community specialising in Call of Duty 2.Please feel free to come along and register, see what we have to offer and maybe join the squad as an active player.WWW.XTREMECHAOS.CO.UK | In:0 | Out:490 |
The Stunt Association The Stunt Association is a community/clan based operation, we work by haveing squads for each game, just like having small clans within the main clan, this greatly imporves organisation, TSA is one of the first to use this method. | In:0 | Out:508 |
DGN - Call of Duty 3 A Dutch Call of Duty 3 website with video's, screenshots and more! | In:0 | Out:500 |
{TLS} The Lost Souls We are the Lost Souls - A Call of Duty/United Offensive/Call of Duty 2/Day of Defeat Source Clan, Playing Friendlies and Having Fun on our Servers | In:0 | Out:491 |
Call of Duty HQ Call of Duty HQ has been cited as the premier news outlet for Call of Duty. With exclusives with Infinity Ward, Activision, and constant up-to-date news on the latest progress of future titles, CoDHQ is the best resource for the latest-and-greatest C | In:0 | Out:521 |
Battle For Europe - Call of Duty BattleforEurope is the original, biggest and best tournament of its type. Join an axis or allied regiment and fight for control of europe where the control of strategic points is decided by massive 12 hour battles. Earn promotions, medals and experie | In:0 | Out:527 |
[2ndA] 2nd Armored Division Clan [2ndA] is a clan dedicated gamers who strive to the goal of becoming better players but more importantly having a fun getting there! | In:0 | Out:515 |
Dutch Call of Duty 2 info website Dutch Call of Duty 2 info website | In:0 | Out:504 |
| is a unique community, based on the possibility of jumping on Call of Duty. The website hosts an array of jumps, for Call of Duty, Call of Duty: United Offensive and more recently Call of Duty 2. You can also download jump maps. | In:0 | Out:478 |
EG Clan Here you find the best players ever. | In:0 | Out:470 |
::: CoD2 ::: Renegade Outlaw Clan Downloads | Maps | Screenshots | Wallpapers | Mods | Editing Tools | Tips and Tricks | [ROC] International CoD2 Clan and much more. | In:0 | Out:488 |
Frag Universe Call of Duty Supporting Call of Duty series to it's max! | In:0 | Out:494 |
European Snipers A Site dedicated to bringing all the Sniper Players / Clans together | In:0 | Out:482 |
=]El!te[= Multigamingclan Wir sind der =]El!te[= Multigamingclan und haben sehr viel Spass am Spiel. Ihr sucht einen Clan ? der noch zuverlssige Member braucht ,dann seid ihr bei uns genau richtig. Beim =]El!te[= Clan | In:0 | Out:519 |
Canada Kicks Ass Clan All Canadian war gaming clan! Canada in Action and Kicking Ass! | In:0 | Out:476 |
-=[Grease Asses]=- Wir sind das Call of Duty Funteam. Immer auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen und Leuten, denen Call of Duty-UO und Call of Duty 2 ebenfalls so viel Spa macht wie uns. Ein lockerere Haufen, der dich sucht;-)! Wir sind ein Funteam, kein Clan mit | In:0 | Out:490 |
BiGClan -Call of Duty/UO/4 Fun Clan Wir wollen Fun Fun Fun, besucht uns auf unser Gameserver =BiG=Clan|COD4 =BiG=Clan|COD4 , =BiG=Clan|COD4 , =BiG=Clan|COD/UO, Wir suchen noch Member | In:0 | Out:536 |
Brothers|in|Fight Clan A german CoD Clan! | In:0 | Out:487 |
European Gamer Community Eine Gamer Community mit immer Neusten News und vielen Downloads - Games wie Call of Duty I - II - Day of Defeat - Battlefield 2 und vieles mehr, wir haben auch viele Fun Games Schaut mal rein. | In:0 | Out:476 |
Nordfront|HH| Der Nordfront Clan ist bemht neue Krieger fr sich zu gewinnen.Immer auf der Suche nach guten Kriegern und welche die Spa am spielen haben. Bei Interesse kommt einfach zu uns vorbei und meldet euch bei uns, ob TS oder ICQ. | In:0 | Out:488 |
*>mostWanted<* Wir sind ein internationaler CoD2-Clan. Und suchen immer gut gelaunte Member die Spass am gemeinschaftlichen daddeln haben. | In:0 | Out:451 |
EU-Gamer Clan Wir sind ein gemtlicher Haufen zwischen 17 u. 50 Jahren!! Derzeit haben wir ber 30 Member, besucht uns doch mal!! EU-Gamer Fun Clan!! | In:0 | Out:488 |
COD2 - AdmiralMOD A little Mod... with a few new functions :) | In:0 | Out:512 |
Die vandalen Cod UO Cod 2 Fun Clan Wir sind ein Cod UO Cod FunClan und haben massig Spass am spielen - Funnys & Neue Member sind immer Wilkommen | In:0 | Out:471 |
The Home of the Geriatric Men Call of Duty Fun Clan | In:0 | Out:461 |
Canadian 3rd Infantry The oldest ALL CANADIAN Call of Duty clan still under its original ownership. | In:0 | Out:437 |
BirulevoNET Call of Duty 2 public server Call of Duty 2 server | In:0 | Out:423 |
Tasty-Fragism Online Gaming Community | In:0 | Out:450 |
Ground Tactics - 2 Bullets into the Lung A German Call of Duty United Offensive / 2 & 3 Clan, WE SEARCH MEMBER! | In:0 | Out:461 |
Team -|2DD|- We love it ! ! | In:0 | Out:448 |
Royal 22e Regiment Nous somme En Clan Quebecois Nous Jouont A Call Of Duty Et Call Of Duty Uo Nous Recruton A Partir De 14Ans Alros VEnez Nombreux Nous Avon un SeverS Louer 22 Place Avec Un Web Site http://www. r22er. 123. fr/ Et Team Speak 16 Place Pour Le Mo | In:0 | Out:465 |
Air Jumpers Air Jumpers Clan webpage! server:yes mod:codjumper 1.8 | In:0 | Out:464 |
The {FEAR} Clan and Mod The {FEAR} MOD for Call of Duty: UO and Call of Duty 2 servers along with CounterStrike Source servers. More games and servers will be coming soon! | In:0 | Out:487 |
<((V))> Veterans Resurrected <((V))> We are an Older gaming club That are always looking for people to enjoy COD ,UO,COD2,F.E.A.R.&Bf2. Plus Enjoy our Own V103 Radio Station!! Check It Out! | In:0 | Out:453 |
(T)he-(L)ast-(S)olution Wir sind ein Call of Duty II Clan, der viel Spa am Ballern hat. Wer Lust hat mit uns zu kmpfen und min. 16 Jahre alt ist, kann sich gerne bei uns melden! | In:0 | Out:454 |
Russian Sniper Clan Russian Sniper Clan is on all call of dutys, | In:0 | Out:471 |
:: Welcome to :: :: Welcome to Call of Duty 2 KILLINE This srver 24/7 New Mod Admeral Best Version Server version 1.3 By GodFather go play may server thx | In:0 | Out:476 |
[-MSO-] Clan We are all about having fun. We have the best Sniper server and Modern Weapons Server period.Everyone is welcome. Sniper IP: Modern Weapons IP: | In:0 | Out:447 |
Zeppelin Clan a Call of duty united offsive clan. Were a good clan that has been around along time and only seems to get more and more power | In:0 | Out:466 |
TeamX Clan-Call of duty 2 Cod2 gaming clan with 2 servers and ts (great servers) | In:0 | Out:456 |
The Bad Company COD 2 Clan A friendly, adult aged, anti-cheat Call of duty 2 Clan - ALWAYS recruiting 18+ members!!! | In:0 | Out:511 |
Summer of Death -)SoD(- clan has been around for 3 years and has recruited over 100 members and at the moment has 45+ active members. We have had a 28 slot server and 16 slot server on UO for over 2 years. Our servers have been very busy and active with players. | In:0 | Out:439 |
{CLANMEET} The Clan Meeting Place ClanMeet is a clan meeting place, here clans can get together, organise scrimms, clanbattles and join mini tournaments, this site was set up to make it more enjoyable for clans as they get more action with other clans. We have a ladder system that yo | In:0 | Out:504 |
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