Call Of Duty Top 100

Call of Duty 4, 3, 2, 1, Cheats, Servers, Clans, Mods, Files, Guides

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Wartburg Massaker
CoD1 1.0 und CoD2 1.3 Clan
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"The Company"
Online gaming community currently specializing in Call of Duty 2 and Battlefield 2142. Come see what we are all about...we are always looking for new energetic members. Weekly Scrimmages! "Fight Hard, Play Fair, and Have Fun"
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{SKA} Alliance
We are a great gaming community dedicated to call of duty 2. we have run and gun with many mods running in our servers...... come play and have some fun.
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Spanish site dedicated to CODUO & COD2. Also hosts COPA MOMO and public COD2 servers. Customs maps & Mods.
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We are a Duth/Belgian Cod site since 2003 with over 20 active members
and run Maps only 24/7 server TDM/sd
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106 JUNO Tactical Realism Call of Duty
If you enjoy a cooperative, and fun environment while gaming, look no further. We are always looking for mature adults interested in tactical realism game play and effective communication. Stop by and see if JUNO is right for you.
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107 MOW - Masters of Weaponry
An International clan, formed over 3 years ago. 20+ Members playing COD1 and COD2. Members from Canada, UK, America, Scotland and Ireland.
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108 *KLP*LV Clan
Latvian Clan. We have a CoD2 two servers with AWE mod:*KLP*LV-IP:;*KLP*LV2-IP: We are recruiting (for the information e-mail me We speak in English, Russian and Latvian languages
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109 *Just For Fun*
Gaming Clan
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110 Ev!L - eSports
Wir sind ein neuer, junger und spielfreudiger Clan. Besucht uns, schreibt ins Gstebuch, fordert uns heraus oder fllt bei gefallen das Join us Formular aus! Mehr Infos:
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111 Ducado Clan Server's
Ducado Clan espaol del COD UO 1.4 , Buenos servidores, Miembros amables y justos - Ducado is a Spanish clan, Of COD UO, Anti-Cheat, good servant, Mod AWE and More...
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112 21st Panzer Division
The 21st Panzer, is a Tactical Realism Unit for the game Call of Duty 2. Our goal is to recreate historic events through the eyes of a German soldier. To do this we use realistic German names, the ranks used by Wehrmacht, and the tactics used by the
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113 Jump|Freak`s
Wir sind ein neuer Call of Duty 2 Jump Clan der noch Member ab 18 Jahren sucht!Jump erfahung ist mitzubringen!!Ansonsten einfach Fun haben:D
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114 Generation-X
Suchen Member ab 21 Jahren.
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115 DH Clan
DH Clan | TDM - The DH Clan is an active CoD community - Downloads, Links, Forums, Server
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116 2dbmultigaming
2db clan bf2 cod2 mohaa swat4
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117 MordStreich
MordStreich je clan zabvajc se hranm cod2 a hran různch lihg atd.
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118 Divine clan
The Divine clan is a call of duty UO cla and is seeking for good cod uo players!
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119 Call Of Duty 2 "SquareClan"
A new clan who searching a new member to clan .Lithuanian clan but inviting and from other countrys
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120 Czech Call of Duty fansite
Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: United Offensive, Call of Duty: Big Red One, Call of Duty: Roads To Victory
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121 *KLP*LV
*KLP*LV - Call Of Duty
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122 TGA - The Global Army
Seriously the best server out of 'em all, Ventrilo, Forums, Sprint, Secondary Weapons! Trying to provide the best service across the Globe!
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123 RDX-Alliance
RDX-Alliance, why?

Hmmm, there is no secret ingredient or magical attraction, other than we simply all (members and non-members) enjoy spending a bit of our leisure time in a friendly, humorous, controlled gaming environment.

We hope
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124 SVReloaded
We are a clan run server. WE have two COD servers, One is for Snipers, The other is for Run & Gun
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125 Section de l'Ombre
Clan de base Call of duty 2
Clan franais cre en dcembre 2003.
Lun des plus anciennes clan francophone de cod2.

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126 Die verlassenen Gamer
Wir sind ein deutschsprachiger Call of Duty Clan mit vielen Membern, aber trotzdem freuen wir uns immer ber Neuzugnge. Schaut mal vorbei, wir wrden uns freuen :)
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127 ~|B.o.B|~Fun-Clan
Wir sind ein Call of Duty2 Fun-Clan. Haben jede Menge Spass am zocken. Suche natrlich auch noch Member ab 18. Wir sind auch in der ESL vertreten. Wir besitzen mehrere Root-Server. Schaut Vorbei. Viel Spass bei uns auf der Homepage und auf unseren Ser
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128 CoD Clasic & United Ofensive Romania
Server CoD Clasic & United Ofensive Romania.
No Lag, No Bugs, No Idiot Admin
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129 {FFC} - Free Fun Community -
Wir suchen noch nette Leute zum Zocken....FunFun Fun
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130 Elite Tactical Squad Tactical Realism
We are a Tactical Realism Clan that plays COD2
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131 DooM-Confederation
Wir sind ein großer Clan mit vielen Membern, Downloads und mehr!
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132 First Class Sniper
Call of Duty Sniper Clan IP:
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133 DBK
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134 eXceL
Excel is a rifles only clan in TWL and NAGL leagues
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135 ..:: News-Base ::..
The Hardware-, Software- and Game-Base for you!
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136 Fallen Angel Clan
You will fun? Visit us!!
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137 Chaos Clan Germany
Chaos Clan Germany Gaming Fun Clan Call of Duty + UO Call of Duty 2 Medal of Honor:Spearhead
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138 Unitedfungamer
Wir sind ein Call of Duty 2 Clan ohne koste. Wir bekommen alles gesponsort. Wir suchen noch Member
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139 - Cheap Gameservers Gameserver Hosting - 1€/Slot Public Rent your Gameserver Today!
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140 The Ultimates Organization
The Ultimates Organization is the Most professionally established gaming organization in the world.
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141 Call Of Duty2 latvian Server
Call Of Duty2 latvian Server
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142 Tango Down Gaming
18+ Community/Clan Casual Gaming to relax, play, socialize and have fun. COD4 Recruiting
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143 Planet Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Planet Call of Duty 4 is a site designed by gamers for gamers. It has to links the the weapons, perks, challenges, ranks, and maps. We also have screenshots, videos, forums, clans, and cheats.
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144 Miyu-Clan
suchen mitglieder für unseren clan der kostenfrei ist bitte erst ab 18
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145 Firestorm over Germany
Wir sind ein Cod Multigaming Fun Clan und zocken derzeit CoD2 und CoD4. Wir suchen noch Verstärkung ab 18!
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146 Anti-Social-Clan
We are a fun loving but competitive Clan playing Battlefield 2142 & Call Of Duty 4
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147 StarFleet Intelligence
SFI], StarFleet Intelligence, was founded in November 2001, as an Elite Force clan. [SFI] is a thriving, active clan for over 6 years now. We currently play Elite Force, Elite Force 2, Jedi Academy, NOLF2, Counterstrike Source, Call of Duty 2, Call o
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148 Dutch Fight Platoon
We are the most wanted funclan of the Netherlands called [DFP].We also have a custom map server!! Please visit our website and feel free to join one of our game-servers.
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149 Call of Duty 2 russian clan )MTL(
???? ????? MTL ?? ???? Call of Duty 2,???????? ???,?????????? ????? ? ???? ,???? keygen! Site of clan MTL on game Call of Duty 2, Come everything, the set is spent to a clan, is keygen!
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150 {S-K} Sniper killers
A friendly Sniper clan, providing both TDM sniper and R&G COD2 servers & TDM sniper and Tactical COD4 Server. We promote a family friendly environment so come along and say hello!
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