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Guild Wars gold, GW items?Ecto For sale-100% safe Where to buy cheap Guild Wars gold Without get risk of banned? Order your Guild wars Platinum, Platinum - Factions - Nightfall - Prophecies, 24/7 and enjoy instant delivery.Here is your Guildwars gold super store! | In:1 | Out:648 |
Band Of The Red Hand We are a small, but fun, Kurzick alligned guild that is heavily involved in all aspects of PvE and PvP. We use Ventrilo on a dedicated server in and out of battle to coordinate our attacks and strategies. We differ from the usual recruiting methods o | In:0 | Out:535 |
![]() The Guild Wars Tavern A Guild Wars fansite | In:0 | Out:669 |
| Guildwars guides, Screenshots, Picture by picture guides, Tip on how to play, Builds, Professions and more. | In:0 | Out:609 |
![]() Pgina Oficial do Guild Wars em Portugal Pgina do Guild Wars Portugal, onde poders informar-te sobre o jogo online Guild Wars: Prophecies, Factions e Nightfall e em portugus | In:0 | Out:529 |
GuildWars.Cz/Sk Nejvetsi a nejlepsi stranka o Guildwars na uzemi ceske a slovenske republiky | In:0 | Out:645 |
United Jedi Playing Guild Wars and AoE3 : our clan is over 5 years old and has Hall with NPCs,Cape, own Vent Server, own Kurzicks alliance (5 allies), lots of inside events ! | In:0 | Out:663 |
Morse Eques "Death Riders" Guild. Forum. New. Helpful Members. Visit Forum for Recruitment Details | In:0 | Out:633 |
Hard Boyz|Gaming & Community Wir sind eine Mischung aus Multigaming Clan und Community. Bei uns findet Ihr immer die aktuellen News ber Games, Hard- und Software. | In:0 | Out:636 |
game players Hq a gaming portal and teamspeak oublic server | In:0 | Out:660 |
RGuilds A fan Site with a virtual hostess | In:0 | Out:639 |
Dranons of The Autumn Light [EFX] A 3 part pc online statgy, role-playing, GuildWars PC game onine free. Have to buy the 3 part game which is Prophecies, Dactions & Bight fall.. | In:0 | Out:607 |
Guild Wars Gold and Items, Cheapest Guild Wars Gold, Fast Delivery, 24/7 Online Service | In:0 | Out:620 |
I Emperial Angels I Wir die I Emperial Angels I suchen Dich! Du bist TS-aktiv? du bist Guild wars aktiv? du bist cool drauf? dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! | In:0 | Out:599 |
stealing secruirty [Ss] This guild was made on the 6 of june 2009, joined up with ESL the new GvG guild is coming back into action! this guild is abit small, so please post of thread if u wonna join, thx | In:0 | Out:514 |
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